Friday, July 22
12:30pm to 4:00pm
Discovery Building, 330 N. Orchard Street
event type
outreach event

WIPAC researchers and staff are particpating in a Summer STEAM Camp with Strang Architechture

Students will:

  • Explore the South Pole based IceCube experiement, the biggest and strangest telescope in the world.
  • Learn about the lives of the men and women who are working in the extreme South Pole environment to develop new ways to explore the universe.
  • Learn about neutrinos — the mysterious cosmic messengers detected by IceCube — and what they tell us about the composition of matter, cosmic explosions, and more.
  • Become an ice driller, take a photo bundled up at the South Pole, and explore South Pole science and engineering. 


For more information, please see the Summer STEAM Camp flyer.
