The field of high-energy cosmic-ray, gamma-ray and neutrino astrophysics has seen major experimental developments over the past decade. These include IceCube’s detection of extraterrestrial, high-energy neutrinos, new measurements of ultra-high-energy as well as lower energy cosmic rays, and new space- and ground-based high-energy gamma-ray measurements. Furthermore, a wide array of large neutrino, cosmic-ray, and gamma-ray experiments are under construction and/or planning. In light of these developments, a discussion of the open theoretical questions that are most important to address and of the directions of the experimental efforts that will be most efficient in addressing these questions is highly timely. The goal of the workshop is to contribute to the focus on theoretical and experimental efforts.
Topics include:
Where do IceCube’s neutrinos come from? What is the best strategy for a future IceCube upgrade to aim at addressing this question?
What do we learn from UHECR, PeV neutrino, and TeV gamma ray data, combined? What do we expect to learn further with upcoming experiments?
Are the sources of UHECR and lower energy (Galactic) CR related? What can we learn from new Galactic CR experiments?
We plan discussions and interaction in an informal atmosphere, with typically two lectures and one structured discussion per day, leaving ample time for independent work and collaboration. The ITP will provide office space and services to enable the participants to work as if at home. Participation is by invitation only.