Last week, the intrepid South Pole station winterovers got themselves together (all but two of them!) for an outdoor group photo.
Although sunrise hasn’t “officially” arrived yet, the South Pole station held their celebratory sunrise meal last week.
With increasing daylight, the large pile of snow that has accumulated over the winter in front of the ICL is all the more apparent.
It’s now bright enough to see your way around outside at the Pole, which is great…depending on your perspective.
Last week was a quiet one for IceCube, and the brightening sky was beautiful as it appeared behind the South Pole station.
Last week, some of the winterovers walked out beyond the storage berms out on the ice to take some photographs of the setting moon.
Last week, IceCube winterovers made not one but two trips out to the IceCube Lab.
It’s getting obviously lighter outside, but thanks to clear skies (and intrepid winterover-photographers), we are still being treated to some wonderful images of the stars and auroras over the South Pole landscape.
A highlight of last week’s fun was the “Mountain of madness” burger served up before the trivia night.
Lighter days are coming, but last week there were still opportunities to take pictures outside in total darkness.