Kael Hanson
Kael Hanson is the director of WIPAC and the director of operations for IceCube as well as a professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Kael has played a major role in the development and construction of IceCube, first managing the development of the IceCube optical modules and later the IceCube data acquisition system. He returned to WIPAC after spending six years as a faculty member in the Department of Physics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium, where he led the particle astrophysics group. His principal research interests include high-energy neutrino astrophysics and related instrumentation, design of digital logic systems, in particular, precision time applications, and firmware development. In addition to IceCube, he is also a member of the ARA Collaboration. Hanson’s complete CV is available to download.
Select Publications
The IceCube Data Acquisition System: Signal Capture, Digitization, and Timestamping (Journal Article) Nuclear Instruments and Methods A601 (2009) 294-316, 1 April 2009arxiv.org
PMm2: R&D on triggerless acquisition for next generation neutrino experiments (Journal Article) Journal of Instrumentation 6 (2011) C01081
Performance of two Askaryan Radio Array stations and first results in the search for ultra-high energy neutrinos (Journal Article) Phys. Rev. D93 (2016) 8, 082003; e-print archive arXiv: 1507.08991[astro-ph.HE]
journals.aps.org | arxiv.org
On the feasibility of RADAR detection of high-energy neutrino-induced showers in ice (Journal Article) Astroparticle Physics 60 (2015) 25-31
A bi-directional fixed-latency clock distribution system (Journal Article) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A732 (2013) 497-500
Honors and Awards
- Bureau Facultaire au Doyen de la Faculté de Sciences ULB (2012–2014) (advisor to the Dean of the Faculty of Science at ULB)
- Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment photomultiplier system review (2007)
- Graduate School Committee on Academic Staff Issues, University of Wisconsin–Madison (2007–2008)
- IceCube project management board member (2005–2008)
- Early career scientist representative to IceCube Collaboration Board (2002)
Department of Physics
4207 Chamberlin Hall
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Faculty Profiles
WIPAC faculty and students are involved in IceCube, the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA), the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) experiment, Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), Big Data, and DM-Ice.
In keeping with our vision, we encourage and support visits from researchers who have interests, or who wish to develop interests, in several of our research areas.
The postdoctoral fellowship program was created to honor the late John Bahcall, a prominent physicist and a founding member of the IceCube experiment. In 2015 the Balzan Fellowship was created after Francis Halzen was awarded the Balzan Prize.