Week 45 at the Pole

Monday, November 12, 2012 - 1:15pm
Image: S. Lidstrom, IceCUbe/NSF

The time has come for the changing of the guard. Above, (L-R), Carlos Pobes, Felipe Pedreros Bustos, Blaise Kuo Tiong, and Sven Lidstrom pose in the South Pole "departure lounge." Pedreros Bustos and Kuo Tiong are stepping in as the 2012-2013 IceCube winterovers, replacing Pobes and Lidstrom, who have been at the station since November of 2011. They’ll have a few days all together as the new winterovers orient themselves to their surroundings and detector troubleshooting duties. The plane taking off, below, is not carrying Sven and Carlos away—just yet.

Image: S. Lidstrom, IceCUbe/NSF