Week 9 at the Pole

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - 9:30am

flagline along Dark Sector road, in daylight
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

On a clear sunny day, it’s easy to make out the buildings at the end of the road to the Dark Sector, but the flag line is set up for the winter months, when darkness and extreme temperatures reign and you really can’t afford to get lost out there.  Even in the next photo, still in daylight but without the sunshine, you can see how helpful the flag line is.  The sun is sinking rapidly and shadows grow longer.  At the station, they’ve begun having some astronomy classes in anticipation of all the dark sky viewing they’ll have during their long night.  Inside last week, they had an emergency response drill and some fun with electronics, taking things apart next to the jigsaw puzzle (where the fun is in putting things back together).

flagline along Dark Sector road, overcast
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

person casting long shadow
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

electronics taken apart on table next to jigsaw puzzle
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF