Week 6 at the Pole

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 - 12:00pm

Person fin red parka from behind, parking a Herc.
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF

It was a busy week at the Pole.  Not because of IceCube but due to the station closing—there are always lots of preparations to be made before hunkering down for the many months of isolation and darkness.  Also, the airfield gets quite busy near closing, with the Air Guard flying up to five Hercs a day. IceCube winterover Rafaella was out helping park a Herc, at top.  Johannes caught some more sun dogs last week, at bottom, taken from the top of the station.

Two Hercs on South Pole skiway
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF

A sun dog seen through partially cloudy sky above the South Pole station.
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF