Week 52 at the Pole

Friday, January 4, 2019 - 10:45am

Sofa with people on it being pulled alongside runners in race at the south pole
A. Greeley, NSF

There are so many different ways to celebrate the holidays around the world, but there’s only one special event that actually takes you around the world.  It’s the occasion of the annual “Race Around the World” at the South Pole—a fun run that circles around the South Pole, traversing all of the world’s time zones.  Traditionally, there are costumes or perhaps some unique racing mobiles involved.  This year was no exception, as we see from the occupied sofa being pulled along the course.  This year’s race was held on Christmas day.  The evening before was celebrated with radio exchanges of Christmas carols between stations and a nice sit-down dinner.

Group of people standing around together, singing
Kathrin Mallot, IceCube/NSF

Plated meal
Kathrin Mallot, IceCube/NSF