Week 38 at the Pole

Friday, October 2, 2015 - 3:15pm
Image: Stephan Richter, IceCube/NSF

With the sun now up, outdoor preparations for summer activity at the South Pole station will move into higher gear. Calm weather last week provided an opportunity to groom the skiway, above image, where the Earth’s shadow is still visible in the sky as a blue band just above the horizon. The next image shows some grooming in action along the road to the Dark Sector. Last week they also enjoyed a German movie night, complete with a German dinner to accompany it. Looks like the helpers got an assembly line together for efficient schnitzel prep.

dark sector
Image: Erik Beiser, IceCube/NSF

Image: Stephan Richter, IceCube/NSF

Image: Stephan Richter, IceCube/NSF