Week 37 at the Pole

Wednesday, October 1, 2014 - 11:30am
winterover crew
Image: R. Schwarz, IceCube/NSF

After months and months of darkness, it’s no wonder that the sun’s return to the South Pole is anxiously awaited. So what happens when the sun finally does reappear? Lots of things. But first, you get the scene ready, which includes setting flags back in place at the ceremonial pole. Then there’s the annual sunrise dinner, with appetizers on trays and drinks in fluted glassware. And now, thanks to sufficient ambient light levels, you can get get a nice group photo of the current winterovers outside. What’s not to love? Oh, that’s right, it’s still cold there.

Image: D. Larsen, IceCube/NSF

Image: D. Larsen, IceCube/NSF

Image: D. Larsen, IceCube/NSF

Image: D. Larsen, IceCube/NSF

south pole
Image: D. Larsen, IceCube/NSF

frozen building
Image: D. Larsen, IceCube/NSF