Week 34 at the Pole

Thursday, August 30, 2018 - 11:30am

close-up of camera frosted from being outside
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF

IceCube winterover Johannes’s camera withstood a time-lapse session outdoors last week—a little frosty looking afterward but still able to crank out some fine-looking photos.  One of these, just below, shows off the ICL during the early light of sunrise, with not only a bright moon appearing in the shot but also a lingering aurora.  And below that, a view of the sunrise over summer camp, with colorful layers hovering in the sky over a brightening horizon, still with auroras streaming around in all directions. At bottom, a striking panorama of the horizon (sans auroras).

ICL at early sunrise, with moon and auroras
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF

pink horizon, with starry sky and auroras
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF

panoramic view of early sunrise at Sout Pole
Johannes Werthebach, IceCube/NSF