Week 29 at the Pole

Tuesday, August 2, 2016 - 1:30pm

Dinner in galley of South Pole station
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

Station life was quiet at the South Pole last week, but not too quiet.  They celebrated Christmas in July with a special dinner.  Popular in many parts of the world, for various reasons, Christmas in July is only one of numerous celebrations held throughout the year at the Pole.  Although there’s no photographic evidence of the plated meal, the dinner was apparently delicious. IceCube winterover Christian was also busy as usual taking photos, indoors and out.  He captured a nice shot of the server room, took in some fine auroras, and—using his own custom-made box contraption—got a fantastic close-up of the moon.

Bank of servers
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

Snowed in bulldozer under an aurora
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

Bright aurora over South Pole, station in background
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

Custom-made box for South Pole photography
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

Close-up of the moon
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF