Week 29 at the Pole

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 3:15am

Winterover sitting and taking in his surroundings while there is natural light.
F. Pedreros, Icecube/NSF

The South Pole has been described as an otherworldly place. So it’s befitting for those working there to take a moment once in a while to just sit and contemplate their surroundings. Especially when there’s some natural light to see by—the moon can really light the place up. In complete darkness, though, these flags (below) are the only reference points available for traveling between the station and the IceCube Lab, a distance of about a mile. Important markers, because in this extreme climate you do not want to get lost out in the vast sea of white.

The day lit up with the moon for those to see flags as they travel between stations.
F. Pedreros, Icecube/NSF

Sea of white and flags, the guide between stations in the South Pole.
F. Pedreros, Icecube/NSF