Week 20 at the Pole

Friday, May 29, 2020 - 10:00am

Stunning spread of aurora, with Milky Way peaking through above and behind
Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF

It’s cold at the South Pole, no matter how you slice and dice it.  And as winter settles in, temperatures go even lower.  But in winter, when the skies are clear, everyone ignores the cold and takes advantage of the conditions for outdoor photography.  Especially if the auroras are happening, which makes it all the more exciting.  Above we have a glorious display of colorful auroras, with the Milky Way clearly showing itself it the sky beyond.  One of the red lights in the distance along the horizon is from the IceCube Lab, shown close up below with just faint wisps of aurora overhead.  Indoors, it was a weekend of movies and talk of the upcoming midwinter celebrations.

IceCube Lab lit up in red, faint wisps of aurora overhead
John Hardin, IceCube/NSF

Faint auroras along horizon, starry sky
John Hardin, IceCube/NSF