Week 19 at the Pole

Friday, May 18, 2018 - 1:30pm

Frosty ceremonial pole marker with bright moon hidden behind the sphere.
Raffaela Busse, IceCube/NSF

A quiet week at the Pole for the detector.  Well, for IceCube’s winterovers, too.  Since most of the other IceCube collaborators were busy with their spring meeting in Atlanta, there were no special operation requests, which meant more peace and quiet for an already relatively uneventful week.  The photos, on the other hand, were just striking!  Above, we have a nice shot of the ceremonial pole marker, with a bright moon situated just behind the sphere and flags flapping in the wind.  Then we have the ICL basking in moonlight and winterover Raffaela standing out on the ice under glowing auroras that are lending their greenish hue to the snow at her feet.  Indoors, trivia battles were taking place.

ICL in the moonlight
Raffaela Busse, IceCube/NSF

Lone person standing at a distance, swirling green auroras overhead, snow on surface reflecting green from above
Raffaela Busse, IceCube/NSF