Week 19 at the Pole

Thursday, May 26, 2016 - 4:30pm

An IceCube winterover standing outside under stars.
Mack van Rossem, IceCube/NSF

Not a particularly busy or hectic week at the Pole—quiet punctuated by work, or work punctuated by quiet, depending on how you look at things.  Now, depending on where, not how, you’re looking, you get to see all the action this time of year at the South Pole.  And it’s up in the sky, where there’s a constant display.  The stars appear in multitudes, and the auroras create interesting shapes and designs.  Don’t forget … it’s also cold there.  In fact, last week brought the first day of –100 °F for the year.  You don’t need to actually be there to know that that’s cold.

A slanting green aurora spread
Mack van Rossem, IceCube/NSF

A bright ball of an aurora
Mack van Rossem, IceCube/NSF