Week 14 at the Pole

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - 10:15am

Close up on waning moon.
John Hardin, IceCube/NSF

Although there is still a bit of light from the sun far below the horizon, the skies are dark, and the brightest object in the sky last week was the moon.  IceCube winterover John captured a (nice!) close-up shot of the moon, while Yuya took a photo of the distant moon near the IceCube Lab.  Last week the crew gathered in the gym for the annual Yuri’s Night celebration.  And they enjoyed their fair share of popcorn—let’s face it, if your popcorn seems a bit lacking, what’s there to do but run an experiment with varying levels of water content? (Results pending.)

Distant low moon, near IceCube Lab, dark photo.
Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF

Lounge chairs set up in gym, facing projection screen.
John Hardin, IceCube/NSF

Several filled canisters, numbered, on table, one sitting on a scale
John Hardin, IceCube/NSF