Week 13 at the Pole

Friday, April 6, 2018 - 3:45pm

Bright moon low in sky over Dark Sector
Raffaela Busse, IceCube/NSF

Who needs the sun when you have a moon like this!  This image shows the moon hanging low above the Dark Sector, home to the South Pole Telescope, shown here, in addition to the IceCube Lab, BICEP, and MAPO.  Last week they had a Dark Sector open house, and IceCube’s Johannes and Raffaela gave a tour of the ICL to other winterovers at the Pole. There was a lot going on last week as far as detector troubleshooting, but the rewards for such a busy week were evident as soon you stepped outside.

The ICL in bluish darkness with bright moon tiny in the sky
Raffaela Busse, IceCube/NSF

South Pole station lit by a bright moon
Raffaela Busse, IceCube/NSF