Week 12 at the Pole

Monday, April 8, 2019 - 3:00pm

South Pole station at twilight, appearing frosty
Benjamin Eberhardt, IceCube/NSF

Although the sun has set and winter has begun, it takes a while before it actually gets dark at the South Pole.  Twilight is a prolonged process there, lasting weeks.  Here there’s still plenty of daylight to see the station as it starts to look nice and frosty without direct sunlight.  IceCube’s winterovers had plenty of activities that kept them busy last week, including helping the BICEP group, one of their Dark Sector neighbors, take down their big mirror along with indoor ventures like knife sharpening in the galley and manual pollination in the greenhouse.

Group outside at the Pole helping dismantle equipment
Benjamin Eberhardt, IceCube/NSF

Person standing and sharpening a knife
Benjamin Eberhardt, IceCube/NSF

Close-up of hands using a thin paintbrush to move pollen onto or off the flowers of a plant
Benjamin Eberhardt, IceCube/NSF