Week 12 at the Pole

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 9:45am

distorted moon rise at the South Pole
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

A mushroom cloud … at the South Pole?  What’s going on down there?  What’s going on is actually a rising full moon getting distorted by the atmosphere.  Pretty cool image.  The moon is reflecting a bright sun that officially set last week at the Pole, not to reappear for another six months.  But what a gorgeous sunset it was.  The image below shows a nice indoor view, where the sharp line of the horizon—bright orange sky contrasted with cold blue ground—extends through a row of windows in the galley.

Activities?  The station held their traditional sunset dinner, which had not only duck but also lobster on the menu.  Nice.  It was also time to remove the flags from the ceremonial South Pole for the winter.  One minute they were there, the next they were gone (almost).  Finally, some shenanigans were apparently in order, as shown by winterover Christian posing as if to cut the cables and say good-bye to IceCube as they had just said good-bye to the sun.

sunset view from the South Pole station galley
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

taking down flags from ceremonial South Pole
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

ceremonial South Pole after almost all of the flags removed
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF

winterover Christian antics
Christian Krueger, IceCube/NSF