We strongly recommend joining the “deco-users” Google group to be informed of future releases and participate in discussions of DECO and its data. You can join the group here. Below, you can find a few of the most frequent questions.
Does DECO work on all Android OS?
DECO will work on most phones with Android 3.0 or later releases.
What do I do if Android blocks the DECO apps as unknown source?
You need to enable app sideloading. To do that, look in the “settings” menu and find the “security” option. Click on “Unknown sources”, which will will allow the installation of apps from other sources than the Google Play Store.
Is there a DECO app for iOS?
Not yet. We are working on its development and hope to release it in the coming months.
The DECO app seems to be running, but I cannot see any data. Is something wrong?
You can check a few things to make sure the app is working. Check the status, which should be scanning. Also, the number of samples should be increasing by a few per minute. To look at your data, please visit the deco data page. This website is updated once per day.
Is there a way to look at cosmic-ray events only?
Yes, there is! Every standard event is automatically classified by our Convolutional Neural Network. To view events with certain classifications, visit the visit the deco data page and make a selection under "Type of Event."
My phone is filling up with DECO data. Can I delete it?
Yes, as follows. Use a file manager app to check two directories in Android/data: org.globalsensorweb.deco and org.globalsensorweb.datalogger. The deco directory contains all collected data, and is not emptied automatically. The datalogger directory contains data temporarily while it is synced to the central database through an internet connection, and is emptied automatically after syncing is complete. Please, wait for the datalogger directory to empty, indicating that all data have been uploaded. Then you can delete data from the deco directory. Now that we have validated the performance of our automatic syncing, a future version will automatically delete from both directories.